CoVurc’s other policies are designed to safeguard tenants and property owners. If tenants are seen not obeying any policies, their term will be resigned without any notice. There will be no refund of any kind. Even if you are not at fault but the incident is related to you; you will be barred from the premises. CoVurc works with partner premises. CoVurc does not own any premises. We comply with property owners. Please respect the policies and rules. It is for your own safety. We are here for business and business is done on good faith.
CoVurc’s tenants conduct research and they require peaceful time to focus on their work.
Asset Damage Policy
If any tenant breaks it; they buy it at the retail price brand new. They can also pay cash for the equipment or any asset.
Noise Policy
We offer shared desks and offices. It is tenant’s responsibility to maintain their voice at a lowest level when communicating with someone. You can use chat software to communicate. Please do not bang on the doors heavily. Slow and loud music is not allowed until everyone has mutual consent.
Tobacco Policy
The Chewing gum, smoking, dry tobacco, ghutka, pan are strictly not allowed on the premises.
Drug Policy
Any kind of drug known by law and unknown drug by law is not allowed Including charas, hashish, marijuana, cocaine, ganja, etc.
Alcohol Policy
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed at all. Alcoholic beverages in soft drinks are not allowed at all.
Indecent Exposure Policy
The Indecent Exposure means holding your own private parts in public for show, holding your private parts or someone else private parts in public is not allowed. Sexual Harassment is not allowed. Please respect both male and female genders.
Gun Policy
The physical premises of the CoVurc means any grounds or buildings owned or leased by the CoVurc, including, but not limited to, parking lots, common area, corridor, elevators, stairs, and land under the control of the CoVurc, or upon which a CoVurc building is located. No person shall be permitted to interfere with the normal activities, the normal occupancy or the normal use of any building or portion of building by exhibiting or using or threatening to exhibit or use a firearm of weapon. A person who carries a concealed handgun whether licensed or not onto premises to which the CoVurc has possession or is a holder in due course of a negotiable instrument in violation of a posted notice violates the criminal law.
Internet Usage Policy
- It is tenant’s responsibility to use the Internet in legal and corporate manner.
- Tenant is responsible for any message posted on any social media using CoVurc and CoVurc’s shared network.
- Tenant is responsible for any download of any application.
- Use of indecent self and other person images, blackmailing, physical and sexual harassments of any gender, religion, creed, sex is prohibited.
- CoVurc is responsible to abide by law and will inform any illegality to the any security agency. All data will be released at once to any security agency including your non-Pakistani and/or Pakistani identity information.
- You must be aware of Pakistan’s Cyber Crime ACT
Cyber Crime Reporting
- Cybercrime Complaint Registration Form:
- Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 (English)
- Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 (Urdu)
- Prevention of Electronic Crime Investigation Rules 2018
CoVurc is a division of Intelisales.
For more information, you can contact us.
Fill out the form please.